Monday 16 September 2013

101 ways to get customers for your home based business...quickly

Getting customers for your home based business can be a daunting task, you have to work harder than your conventional business counterparts which are well established, for this reason you must become unconventional, I mean: Your product must be able to 'scream' louder for attention.


This method is for a target audience that uses a taxi as their main form of transport.
Your product must be of such a nature that it can be easily presented by a taxi driver.
I run a photography business, I aproached a taxi driver to double up as a sales representative, for a fee.
I made a great profile of my photos, I included pamphlets, business cards and other marketing material. As the driver transports passengers, he displays my portfolio for everyone to see, naturally he also transport the potential customers to my door where I can give them a full display of my workmanship.

I went a step further, I installed a mobile DVD player in the taxi for people to watch while they drive, I show stunning 'movie-like' slide shows with great music. My slideshows are very entertaining, I make sure people talk about it, spreading the word.

You can use your unconventional creative flair to adjust this idea to suit your business.

What do you think about this tip? Leave a comment.

Friday 13 September 2013

Get out of the financial jail free...

When you are confined by bad credit, you limit the growth of your business.

Are you Blacklisted?
Are you under Administration?
Do you have Garnishee orders against you?
Do you have any Judgements against you?


Tuesday 10 September 2013

When you want to run a successful business or want to acquire more customers, you must start at the begining, it is of no use to get all the know-how and facts, but you are at a point where you cannot advance even if you get a sure million dollar tip.

Let me make it clearer, all the best info in the world you can implement, but success will evade you, it is just like expecting a child to become a heart surgeon, the child can have all the info to perform heart surgery, but it is something different to carry out the procedure on a patient.

The point I am getting at, you must become 'business mature' first. Let me not discourage you, it is not very difficult when you apply your full mind and energy to this one issue.

Let us start.
You must first learn to think. When you can think properly, you must learn to use your new ability.
The next step is to convert thought into something tangible, that is to create substance.
The last step is to refine the process until it becomes automatic and easy.

Why must you learn to think?
The common thought is as powerfull as a nuclear bomb. To get anything you want, including new customers, you do need power and not good ideas to get new customers.
Remember, the idea alone is worthless without the power required to convert it into a practical solution.

Let us examine the thought.
Daily thoughts come and go and we never sit down and analize it. The thought carries with it a power which results in action and ultimately accomplishment.When you are thirsty, it is a thought, the more power that thought carries, the more sure the accomplishment is. The thirst thought moves you to get a drink, when you drink, you accomplished success. Going deeper, if you want something, it can remain as a thought and become useless or learn how to think and fill it with enough power to move the heavens and 'see' opportunities then you act on that opportunity and accomplish the success you desire. 'Seeing' one opportunity is not enough, the one thought has a unique ability to draw more thought towards the first thought, the two thoughts draw two more and so it multiplies exponentially, you begin to accumalate thought power. This thought power opens your mind to new possibilities/opportunities. At this point you take the advice of others (how to get customers), you then 'mix' them with your own thought power to make it personal. At this point the advice becomes your personal property, you can now see that you can do it, you empower yourself, you become more mature because you do not rely only on others for your success (like a child), you start to become your own adviser.

To bring this examples in relation to our goal, which is to get customers.
When you perform this thinking process regularly, you motivate yourself to go for it. I do not want to give facts about getting customers, I want you to succeed. Personally, I have tried numerous ideas and plans and failed all the time, until I personalised the ideas, I even went as far as adapting and changing other peoples ideas into my own, then I started to succeed.

Friday 6 September 2013

I am just full of confidance today...

Today, I just got a reminder about what SUCCESS IS, like most of you, I also believed that you must follow a certain recipe for success, but you can have all the ingredients, follow the recipe meticulously with great care to get it right 100%, you then put the mixture in the oven, take it out and end up with something that is actually a disaster, a health risk...etc.

You ask yourself how it was possible to fail when you have done exactly as you were instructed?

The problem is not with the recipe, there is somethig missing... {IT IS NOT RECORDED ON THE RECIPE....}

Most people fail to hit the target with the simplest of endeavours, while less competent people succeed easily. If you do not posses what it takes to win, you will always fail at the simplest of projects, it is called, in my own words:" the loser syndrome". It works like this, you plainly fail at everything you do, it's sad hey! but true.

If you are one of those, I suggest you read my free e-book called: "How to become a winner? Why am I a loser?" CLICK THE LINK BELOW... to get starting to read, it is now a long book, but it will help you to get customers for your business.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Some of the ideas that worked for me:
1. Getting customers to come to you...
2. You are already on Facebook- How to use it for free marketing...
3. A sure way of getting other people to sell for you at no cost.
4. An explosive marketing technique that works every time.
5. How to get into main stream conventional business with a little bit of effort and almost no cost to you.
6. How to get a business premise and other people pay for the costs of the rent.

Sounds to be good to be true, I am doing it, so can you...
The time for home based business to stay inside the home is over, you can operate like a conventional business outside, but you run your business from your home.

Let me tell you what I am doing...
I have a photography business, now I have very high standards, my work is just as good, and even better than those guys who own photography shops, but they are in demand, they are well set. I on the other hand do not have the finance to go out and run a formal business, at first, it was very difficult to get noticed, but customers wise up, they know that they can get better deals somewhere else, the quality of work is sometimes better than the formal business, only problem, they cannot find us, in our homes, we are not exposed to the paying customer. the solution...we can still operate from our homes, but we must get exposure big time.

This is my main aim... How to get maximum exposure?

One thing to remember, customers want the best deal and quality services and products, but they will not put in an extra effort to search for you. We as home business owners must let them find us, we must employ marketing methods that is cost effective, actually we do not have money to run marketing campaigns.
We have to offer something better than the conventional businesses to get a winning edge.
I supply a "movie" like slide show with the pictures I take for a customer, but that is only one part of the process. To take it a step higher, I asked married couples for their wedding photos, I turn it into a show stopping slide show, but that is not all, I take that same photos, I enhance it and digitally beatify the bride to look like a supermodel, I give it away free of charge, my condition, just one referral for my services. After that, I become the talk of the town, I delivered a product better than the paid product.

Home based businesses need to get creative to compete, this is where I come in, tell me what you sell and I advise you to:
1. market it..
2. how to improve it
3. what to add to encourage word of mouth marketing
4. offer something of low cost to set you apart from the competition.
5. etc.

You see, I am an unconventional business adviser, I have a lot more tools and tips to help you, since this is a free site, there is something that I want...

I want your comments and questions, send one now.


I am Deswayne, Welcome to my site.
This site is all about getting customers for your home based business, eventually, you ended up at the right place.
This site came about when 6 years ago, when I started to get interested in a home business.
Needles to say, I failed at it time after time.
Eventually I gave up, 100% sure that a home business cannot work.
I bought books, attended seminars, acquired infallible business programs, tried get-rich-quick schemes, the lot, it was always promises and I was always disapointed, until I realized that I must figure it out for myself, because I did not have a lot of money to start a conventional business.
GOOD NEWS TO YOU, I am now sharing my ideas as to how to get customers for your home based business.